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We are family!
Today, more than any other time in history, human beings are greatly in need of community. With the fast pace of modern times, human relationships often get “sidestepped” in priority. And often they don’t even have time to exist. Our ever changing, impersonal world around us leaves the human family more than ever before in the quandary of loneliness, broken dreams and shattered promises. People don’t feel that they “belong anywhere” anymore. Numbers are substituted for names and mere acquaintances for deep lasting friendships. Isolation, for many, has become the rule rather than the exception. The Plantation Seventh-day Adventist Church would like to make a difference in these matters of our community surrounding us. You make a difference! And without you, that difference will be hampered. We always put these 5 principles above everything else and we apply them in our practice daily:
● Focusing on our visitors and their immediate needs.
● Creating the best worship experience.
● Providing an opportunity for all to get involved.
● Keeping close touch with our visitors and welcome them back.
● Covering as wide a range of backgrounds and experiences as possible.
Our values, Mission, and Vision
Our church and community are the place where faith and hope flourish.
Our Mission
Because we are aware of God’s immeasurable love for us, we have dedicated our life to His service and strive to share His love through all the skills and capabilities He has blessed us with.
Our Vision
We envision a church where individuals of all ages and backgrounds find a welcoming home—a place where the transforming power of God's grace is experienced, and lives are renewed.
"Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker." - Psalm 95:6